Category: South Park

  • Best of South Park

    I once made a list of the most important/best South Park episode for a friend who wanted to see more but didn’t want to go through the whole thing, and I thought I’d share it here, kinda like I did for Supernatural. Contrary to SPN, South Park is actually a good show, pretty witty and…

    2 minutes
  • Member that time mankind out-trashed South Park

    I had really high hopes for the season 20 of South Park. Remember, it opened up on the introduction of Member Berries, in an episode where they brought in J.J. Abrams to “reboot” the national anthem (which results in the same national anthem, by the way). It went on developing in the background an amazing…

    6 minutes
  • [DT2] God(el) incompleteness

    This article is the second of a series of 3 about Formal Logic and Religion. Find the first one, introduction to formal logic, here. I will now try to introduce you to what is arguably the most important result in formal logic, Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, and deduce a constructive proof of the existence of God.…

    7 minutes
  • Speaker for the meme

    The memes are alive with the sound of music Night of the living meme I’m so glad that I can finally pay South Park the respect it deserves. It’s no exaggeration to call Matt and Trey’s masterpiece (one of?) the most interesting social satire, a true wonder of political and philosophical visionary genius. The latest…

    7 minutes