Hi there! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

My name is Yoann, I go by “yo252yo“.

I do all kind of things at the junction of contemporary art, philosophy, academia, technology and pop culture.

I’m focused on writing, in the most general sense that meaning and semantics are my clay. From text to transmedia experiences, I try to push the boundaries of the format I use and to make unique things that I want to see in the world but nobody else will make them.

I tend to gravitate around themes like the mind and the self in the broadest sense, be them artificial or biological (from philosophy to psychology but also posthumanism, ux and game design) and their agency in the midst of complex systems.

Stay in touch!

Please follow me for updates, and do feel free to reach out, I need more discussion partners XD

  • Short stories

    Short stories

    Byte sized food for thoughts – this anthology of short stories explore novel perpsectives and weird formats at the intersection of technology, psychology and philosophy. Get ready to challenge your own nature. Think “Black Mirror” in text.

  • Games


    I wandered into game design to play with both with the interactivity and the expectations surrounding the medium.

  • Picture books

    Picture books

    I write poetic picture books to get to the core of complex philosophical questions.

  • Essays


    I like to draw parallels between pop culture and philosophy to open up new perspectives.

But also…

the NotDailyPodcast, a podcast with a friend of mine mixing cognitive science and philosophy with pop culture, tech and science to craft unanswerable questions. It’s currently on hold.

Tools/tips to make your life better or to learn japanese. Everything ends up on my github.

Tumblr blogs where I keep machine learning generation experiments or idea box for the future.

I have started experimenting with the video medium, you can find my YouTube channel here.

Recent updates

  • The disappearance of Martha Jones

    J’ai aidé un ami à faire une petite redac pour le lycée et ca s’est transformé en nouvelle fanfic de Dr Who, je la trouve assez réussie donc n’hésitez pas à y jeter un oeil : The Disappearance of Martha Jones Read more

  • Albente Caelo Fabulae

    Coucou \o/ Voila le tome 1 complet de ACF =) Albente Caelo Fabulae : tome 1, partie 1 Albente Caelo Fabulae : tome 1, partie 2 Albente Caelo Fabulae : tome 1, partie 3 Albente Caelo Fabulae : tome 1, partie 4 Dans un monde parallèle, éloigné du notre mais qui y ressemble par bien… Read more

  • The Lonely Shepherd

    Un petit message pour dire que j’ai upload ma première vidéo de qualité a peu près potable (cad ou le son ne sature pas xD). C’est une libre adaptation d’un morceau que vous reconnaitrez peut-être de la BO de Kill Bill, que j’ai trouvé très joli. Read more

Oh and also there’s my CV I guess.